June 21, 2006

Linky Love

I haven't done a Linky Love post in a long time. Here's a few items that I found interesting.

Tour De Broman has a great little site, I've just never become too involved over there because he has no comments or trackbacks. The first two posts are a must read for all Cindy Sheehan lovers, and haters; mostly the haters buy hey, I try and be fair here. (Snort)

Second, y'all remember Carol? An American Housewife, The Gray Tie? This is her new spot. She has this post up about some frickin' whack job bitchin' about his right to molest boys; yep another one of those NAMBLA freaks. It's a tough read, but a must read.

Spread the love, follow the links. Estoy ocupada hoy.

Posted by Stacy at June 21, 2006 09:11 AM | TrackBack

Hey there! Thanks for the shout out. I'm glad to see you are back to blogging!!!!

Posted by: Alabama Improper at June 21, 2006 01:02 PM

I ran across the site the other day from a link from Basil, but it took a day to realize it was her. I'm glad you're back, Carol!

Posted by: William Teach at June 22, 2006 08:25 PM