June 21, 2006


This one is for Tom.
He is also learning Spanish, but in a classroom; and is growing frustrated by a continuous "problem" in there. The band is Rammstein, I know, I know, they're evil. But listening to a German band do this Spanish song is hilarious. They never made a video for this, this is once again, something someone threw together and posted on YouTube. I can interpret it for you, but I'd rather not; might ruin my image of purity.

Posted by Stacy at June 21, 2006 08:32 PM | TrackBack


Posted by: The Outlander at June 22, 2006 03:07 PM

Rammstein aren't evil. Hahah. If they are...what does that make me?

Posted by: Sin at June 25, 2006 03:02 AM

Um, evilish? I've wandered around your Internet pages, even your MySpace one (which is almost like you cheating on all of us); I got nosey and bored one day, a deadly combination. All I will say is that you represent some interesting characters. I do like Rammstein though, my middle son is now learning German because of them. Just don't share that info with my, how shall we say, spiritually endowed readers. ;)

Posted by: Stacy at June 25, 2006 02:47 PM

Hahah. Yeah...I do work with some "interesting" bands.

Posted by: Sin at June 27, 2006 01:50 AM