June 19, 2006

Busy Girl, Busy Girl

I've been busy with these new guys. They are both wethers (castrated males) and we adore them.


Finally got my goats. Oh, and their names are Apache (the black one) and Lahkota (the white one). I'm suppose to be getting a Fainting Goat doeling, haven't heard back from the guy. We wanted to name her Sioux, get it? Sue, Sioux?

Oh, and again; Number 3's responsibility this summer was to get water for the chickens and gather the eggs. One of my hens went broody and he was scared to take the eggs away from her. (They fuss quite a bit when you take them) Anyway, she sitting on 10 eggs right now. So in about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks we'll have some chicks. I really didn't need anymore chickens, I'm trying to get rid of some. Ugh . . .

Posted by Stacy at June 19, 2006 07:20 PM | TrackBack

Stacy, I tried to e-mail you, but the delivery failed. Do you want to trade links?

Posted by: Damian G. at June 19, 2006 09:51 PM


Posted by: Valerie at June 19, 2006 10:11 PM

Can you ride them?

Posted by: Nettie at June 19, 2006 10:55 PM

No, can't ride goats; especially these. These are Nigerian Dwarfs and won't get much bigger than a large dog.

Posted by: Stacy at June 19, 2006 11:01 PM

Awwwww...congrats. I've been wanting some goats forever but my better half won't allow me to get them until we have a bigger place with more land. Grrrr ...

Posted by: Sin at June 20, 2006 04:55 AM

Best way to get rid of chicken:

frying pan + grease + flour = fried chicken

{of course, layers aren't typically very good eatin'}

Posted by: Jeff H at June 20, 2006 09:09 AM

Sin-I know plenty of places with land. But you'd have to go to the east side of I-25, it's a whole other world over here.

Jeff-I think I might have someone who will take my chicks. That or I might be putting up a sign in front of my house "Free Chicks". Hopefully that wouldn't backfire.

Posted by: Stacy at June 20, 2006 11:10 AM

"Free Chicks" sign...hmmmm...

Might get you noticed by the local constabulary.

Posted by: Jeff H at June 20, 2006 03:27 PM

My e-mail is on my Profile, Stacy.

Thanks! Wingnuts 4ever!!!

Posted by: Damian G. at June 20, 2006 03:34 PM

They are sooo cute! Can't wait to see pictures of the new chicks!

Posted by: Paula at June 20, 2006 03:53 PM

Aww, the poor little guys, they will never even know what they are missing. I'm sure it makes them calmer, though :)

Posted by: William Teach at June 22, 2006 08:27 PM