June 15, 2006

Must . .Keep . .Trying

I need me some of them there embryonic stem cells injected into my brain to help me learn my Spanish better. Oh wait, I forgot; there hasn't been any positive results with embryonic stem cells, only the adult ones.

No currently approved treatments have been obtained using embryonic stem cells. There are no human trials—despite all the hype and all the media. After 20 years of research, embryonic stem cells haven't been used to treat people because the cells are unproven and unsafe. They tend to produce tumors, cause transplant rejection, and form the wrong kinds of cells.

I want Enrique Iglesias' stem cells.

Posted by Stacy at June 15, 2006 01:43 PM | TrackBack

What irks me about the whole stem research business is this: Bush didn't ban embryonic stem cell research, he merely limited government funding in that direction. Yet the MSM (and others) persist in getting that wrong, and have done so for literally years now.

Looking at the government's track record in picking winners, however, I would much prefer that medical research funding be entirely left to a) the medicine companies, and b) the various special interest charities. Both of those groups appear to me to be infinitely better equipped to make intelligent decisions than the government.

Let the market make the decisions.

Posted by: Bill at June 16, 2006 09:05 AM

Oh, come now, Bill. Haven't you learned yet that actual, you know, facts can't be brought into any discussion about the Left's Sacred Cows?

Posted by: Eukonidor at June 16, 2006 02:23 PM

Hiya Stacy.

Figured I'd better check in every 6 months or so, or you might think I fell off the face of the earth.

Hope you and yours are well. Maybe I'll put all of the sordid details of my disappearance up, if anyone cares.


The Exile

Posted by: The Exile at June 18, 2006 09:35 PM

Buenos dias, senorita (sorry, can't do the tilde thing, or the accent marks either). ?Como estas? [I took Spanish in high school, more years ago than I care to remember. I can read a little bit, but can't comprehend the speed at which native speakers talk.]

Posted by: bob at June 21, 2006 11:15 PM