August 03, 2005

So Long, Farewell, da da da da da daa

Well, I'm out of here, be back late Tuesday. Please keep coming by, my numbers have been GREAT!!! I'd like to keep it going. You're welcome to rumage through my archives, although they are still a mess from being transferred, but hey, live dangerously.

Don't be surprised if you see a post or two from me. I am planning on using the hotel's 'swipe and type'. I'll keep checking my e-mails, so make sure those are still coming. I will try and not think about this place too much while away, I am after all going away so the guys and I can have some quality time.

I do have some reading assignments for you though:

This guy has been on fire lately; go see him.

Next, a newbie that put up a post about Helen Thomas, kept me ROFLMAO.

Last, but not least, my buddy Tom. If you're unable to read him often, make sure drop by on Monday's. He does a spoof on the news that's brilliant.

I'll miss you all and hopefully I'll come back with much to post about.

Take care.

Posted by Stacy at August 3, 2005 08:26 PM | TrackBack

I'm here; it's hot; it's humid. I love Colorado. But having a nice time so far.

Posted by: Stacy at August 4, 2005 07:32 PM

Hey, I thought you were supposed to be on vacation...

Posted by: Jeff H at August 4, 2005 08:12 PM

I'm experiencing tremors, I need a Stacy fix.
And disregard the newbie link on front, he stinks.

Posted by: Paul of York at August 4, 2005 11:15 PM

Paul, you have heard of "soap", right?

Posted by: Jeff H at August 5, 2005 09:20 AM

If it were only that kind of stink, Jeff. Better, that a soap for that kind were invented! Or better still, that I grow smart enough to stop trying to spread it....that ain't gonna happen, I'm afraid.
But, thanks for your help. :)


Posted by: Paul of York at August 5, 2005 12:34 PM

Paul, bathe in vinegar. And stay away from ACLU meetings. That should do the trick.

Posted by: Jeff H at August 5, 2005 06:11 PM

NO problem with the ACLU, Jeff. I wish we could get them to stay away from us. Maybe give them a S. American country of their own.
As for the Vinegar, being tomorrow is Saturday night, I'll throw some in.

Posted by: Paul of York at August 5, 2005 10:40 PM

Love the redesign! (Mea culpa for my not having updated my link!)

Posted by: Amy Allen at August 7, 2005 11:38 PM

Hope you've enjoyed your break. Glad you gave a shoutout to the Exile. He's got it goin' on.

Posted by: bob at August 9, 2005 12:15 AM

I assure you, there's much better stuff than vinegar to bathe in.

Posted by: Nettie at August 9, 2005 01:40 AM

That's what I thought too, Nettie but Jeff H would never steer anyone wrong, would he....

Hey! Today is Stacey Day isn't it? Her Return?
I hope she's not planning on using those old vacation excuses, like, I was tired, I had to unpack, our plane was late, on vacation I realized I had better things to do, someone stole my computer. Yeah, yeah, and the dog ate your homework too. Say hello!

Posted by: Paul of York at August 9, 2005 11:22 AM

::sniff, sniff::

Ewwww, what is that smell?

Paul of York's not in here, so it can't be him...

Let's just look in the fridge...

ACK!!! ::cough, cough, gasp gasp::

Stacy, you will definitely need to get rid of some of this stuff when you get back.

Posted by: Jeff H at August 9, 2005 02:12 PM

Get rid of it? Naaahhh. BTW, I did have better things to do than blog on vacation. I need to recoup a bit before I hit the sphere again.

Posted by: Stacy at August 10, 2005 12:07 AM