March 05, 2006

Is There A Therapist In The House?

I'm sure some of you have seen this video before, but it really needs to be revived. Some people just ain't right upstairs.

post script: I'm having an issue posting comments, if you too are having problems e-mail me. This happens from time to time with MT, which is why it so sucks!

Posted by Stacy at March 5, 2006 02:12 PM | TrackBack

That was just plain scary!

Posted by: Tammy at March 5, 2006 06:13 PM

How do you swipe that. I want to keep it.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at March 5, 2006 08:36 PM

I'd just say bookmark it. But why would you want to hang to that thing?

Posted by: Stacy at March 5, 2006 08:41 PM

I'm a therapist, but sweetie, there ain't NO cure for that!!!

Posted by: Valerie at March 5, 2006 09:06 PM

My youngest said "mom, is it okay for me to be creeped out?" Yes, very, very creepy.

Posted by: Stacy at March 5, 2006 09:28 PM

Oh. My. God.

Posted by: von at March 5, 2006 11:20 PM