March 03, 2006

This Weeks Dung Beetle Award Winner

New Weekly Feature:

Because I'm still so incredibly bored with the blogging thing, I'm creating these things to entertain myself. And I guess I'm also forcing myself to participate in my own blog. Blahhhh . . . . . . . We all know what a dung beetle is, right? It collects and consumes fecal matter, nuf said.

Each Friday (I'll really try) I'll introduce the week's Dung Beetle Award recipient. The hard part? Choosing one. This weeks award goes to . . . . . . . .


Jay Bennish

Posted by Stacy at March 3, 2006 12:41 PM | TrackBack

Definitely a no-brainer this week. Bennish deserves to be the poster-boy for this award permanently ... or until another asshat comes along (which happens pretty often, I guess). :)

Posted by: Sin at March 3, 2006 02:51 PM

Good choice!!

Posted by: Ken at March 3, 2006 04:01 PM

Oh that hair. Its so long and beautiful. I totally can't tell he's going bald. I guess he can't face the truth about alot of things.

Posted by: echotig at March 3, 2006 05:01 PM

Gag me. Wait. . . Gag HIM!

Posted by: Valerie at March 3, 2006 05:45 PM

What a wuss. Commie Pinko Scum. I had an Econ teacher like that in highschool. I couldn't keep my mouth shut though. He was glad to seem me leave.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at March 3, 2006 10:23 PM

This is so typical of the Bush supporters. I totally agree with the teacher. I have said the same things. Schools, especially highschool should be able to express freedom of speech and thoughts. too also be open for debate. The kid who taped and took it to a radio is probably a close minded Bush supporter.

Posted by: Jennifer at March 8, 2006 11:51 AM

Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer, you are so wrong!!! I completely, 100%, agree that this man has the right to freedom of speech; he has the right to his opinions and beliefs; this is after all AMERICA!!! Indoctrinating, no matter what issue, a captive audience is unacceptable. What if this man were expressing his religious views? What if he instead attempted to evangelize to his class? What if he told the class that democrats were wrong and republicans were right? Would you be feeling the same way? Would you? If you had a child in a class where the teacher was a blatant GOP supporter, would that concern you?

Posted by: Stacy at March 8, 2006 12:54 PM

I believe this was a history class, not a religion class. If I had a child in a class that said repubs were right and democrats were wrong I would be dissapointed. If he /she could put a good debate in the classroom? I am all for it.

Posted by: Jennifer at March 8, 2006 04:10 PM

Jennifer, have you not heard this story at all? It was a geography class, GEOGRAPHY!! Not history, not polysci, not civics, geography. Challenging students is perfectly acceptable. Indoctrinating is not. I'm about a half hour away from Overland, so I've heard quite a bit more than you have in Pennsylvania.

Posted by: Stacy at March 8, 2006 06:14 PM

No need to be smug. I thought it was history. But I happen to see a relation between geography and History. To teach our youth to remain openminded and listen is a gift that some parents fail. You must be a republican.

Posted by: Jennifer at March 8, 2006 07:49 PM

Jesus Jennifer, it's been plastered everywhere that it was a geography class. His comments have nothing to do with modern day geography. If you're going to draw a parallel between political history and how it shaped nations, fine, his was a diatribe. I must be a Republican? Hmm, actually I'm more of a Libertarian, I just vote Republican because it pisses people like you off. Comments closed on this post, I have bigger fish to fry.

Posted by: Stacy at March 8, 2006 08:16 PM