November 11, 2005

All My Appreciation

Today, this Veteran's day, I'm thankful that I have my blog so I can publicly thank veterans. My prayers of thanksgiving were always unheard by those who actually served, but I hope you felt them.

To all the veterans that have served this nation proudly, thank you. From ages ago when the Union (mostly Republicans) battled against the Confederacy (mostly Democrats) to free the slaves and establish our nation as one; to those who have recently returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, again thank you. All of my love, everything within me, appreciates your hard work and sacrifices. Enjoy your day veterans, know that many of us do get it.

Posted by Stacy at November 11, 2005 10:43 AM | TrackBack

Stacy I have to share the love too. Heros go to my blog today so I can thank you too.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at November 11, 2005 11:09 AM

Thanks for the beautiful post. I too want to thank all the Vet's of all the wars! Our freedoms are directly a result of the men and women who give so much for our wonderful country!

Posted by: at November 11, 2005 04:01 PM