November 10, 2005

Call Me Old-Fashioned

Like I said, call me old-fashioned; I'm fine with that.

Maggie sent me this, apparently black Christmas trees are the hot new trend in Europe. Now, I can see the appeal of using this tree if you've decorated your home in a contemporary style. But there is something special about traditional Christmas trees.


But searching around, guess what is the hot new trend for Christmas trees here in the states? Upside-down trees. Yes, upside-down. They come in a few different models; stands, ceiling mount or wall mount.

Here at the housewife's home, we purchase a real tree every December; real. The makers of the upside-down tree claim that ornaments hang better and you can place larger presents at the base of this tree. This idea isn't a new one however. In centuries past trees were turned upside-down as well.

Of course, if this was done in the past; what's really old-fashioned?

Posted by Stacy at November 10, 2005 06:14 PM | TrackBack

Maybe I'm just old, but I like traditional trees.

And, the black tree of Europe seems *so* in keeping with their increasingly anti-Christian views.

Posted by: Bill at November 10, 2005 08:15 PM

How crazy! I'm old fashioned too! For the past few years we used artificial Christmas trees to save money. Now that God got us out of debt, we're going for a real one this year! I'm excited. Can't wait to take the kids, especially my five year old to pick out that special tree. You'll have to give me all the taking care of/how to pick live tree tips. It's so nice to see your beautiful, smiling, honest face!

Posted by: Paula at November 10, 2005 08:50 PM

I kinda like the black trees, but I doubt my wife would go for it. My daughter would love it though...

Actually, I would be much happier if I didn't have to mess with a stupid tree at all. When it comes to pagen based traditions, Halloween is fun, but Christmas trees and Easter eggs I could live without.

Posted by: Ken at November 10, 2005 08:59 PM

Oh Ken, you're too much.

I knew someone who had a special closet that they rolled their decorated Christmas tree in and out of. Covered it with plastic when not in use, and boom, there's the tree.

I Paula!!!!! Nice to see you. Hope all is well.

Bill, that was my first thought as well.

Posted by: Stacy at November 10, 2005 09:16 PM

Funny, I was thinking how well it'd match my decor. LOL It's a little far out for even me... and I tend to be out there. We don't do the real ones, either... we'd burn the house down forgetting to water it, for one. And two -- ooh boy they don't mix with my allergies!

Posted by: jae at November 10, 2005 10:13 PM

"And, the black tree of Europe seems *so* in keeping with their increasingly anti-Christian views."

I wonder if, in France, they're going to decorate their black trees with the famous French battle flags.

Posted by: Tony at November 10, 2005 11:49 PM

Stacy, we have FOUR trees in our homestead at Christmas. One very large (12' or so) real tree for the family room; one 8' artificial tree for the landing (which can be seen from the street); and 4' artificial trees for the kids' rooms.
I do a lot of cussin' in early December, 'cause I'm the one who tests and puts up the lights. And it never fails that a set or two that I've tested decide to quit just after I've put 'em on the tree.

Posted by: bob at November 10, 2005 11:58 PM

Bob, from my first child's first Christmas we always had a tiny little artifical tree in the the three children got older they would color cut-out paper Christmas decorations and I would put them up. Each decoration they made had a name and year on the back.

Then in nursery school they would make the "macaroni" decorations sprayed in gold and they would also go up.

That hodge-podge tree covered with THEIR HOMEMADE ornaments always meant more to them than the "perfectly" decorated one I had for the Christmas celebration.

It served as a reminder for me what was important.

Posted by: at November 11, 2005 07:10 AM

That "special closet" idea sounds pretty cool. Then at least I wouldn't have to mess with decorating the silly thing more than once...

Posted by: Ken at November 11, 2005 08:53 AM

BTW - that upside down tree kinda looks like a sparkly thong...

Posted by: Ken at November 11, 2005 09:02 AM

A thong?

Posted by: Stacy at November 11, 2005 10:45 AM

Or maybe just some nice bikini bottoms...

Or maybe I just have an overactive imagination...

Posted by: Ken at November 11, 2005 01:19 PM

I purchased a black artifical xmas tree in Montreal, Quebec around 10 years ago I decorated with peach roses and white lites and it look beautiful and now I passed the tree onto my daughter and she decorated it last year and this year and it is the only one I ever saw around here. (West Columbia, South Carolina) I like it very much because I think it is original and no one else has one.

Posted by: agnes at December 18, 2005 08:28 PM