October 21, 2005

Redneck Bitch Comes Out Of The Closet

In my "I'm Cured" entry, I received a hateful comment. Well I just received this little item in my e-mail from "Redneck Bitch". This is why I hate many Christians. I chose to seperate myself from this kind of Christian a long time ago, most were hypocrites. They claimed to be Godly but in the mean time were doing the church secretary. They do not understand the importance of women in the church or the world.

No Brian, I do not pick and chose what I want out of the Bible, and actually I have been cleaning up my mouth. I hang with a group who has brought out filthy language in me lately that I am not proud of. But I had already started cleaning it up before you attempted to bring it to my attention. So once again Redneck Bitch, Brian, or whoever you are; bite me. And face it Brian, you're a Pharisee. I'm confident in my role with God, with my husband and as a mother. Too bad you just don't get it. And really, how do you think God will find favor with you when you critisize me for standing up for Him with my aggressive opinions?


I hate to break it to you, but I'm really a conservative male.

I was (mostly) serious about what I said about your role as a woman, and that's why I posed as a woman on your blog. I was afraid you'd call me a sexist pig if you knew I was a man. That's what most "conservative" women do when I tell them that I think we ought to go back to the traditional role for all
women. I had no idea you'd think I was a sarcastic feminist.

But please, think about it. This independent sense of "self worth" is just feminist rhetoric creeping into your conscience without you realizing it. You say you're "conservative" but you're not. A true conservative, traditional woman would not have a foul mouth or strong opinions. She would not be blogging, as that is basically speaking in the public forum.

The Bible is very clear that women should not be part of the public forum. But for some reason, modern "Christian" women believe they can pick and choose what they like out of the Bible. Why is that?

Now, I might agree with most of your opinions. And I will give you credit for being a housewife. That puts you above Ann Coulter, who is an old spinster with a career and no kids. But when it comes down to it, you are still taking on a man's role when you express your opinions so aggressively.

Just consider what I've said. Do you really think God will find favor with opinionated women on judgment day?


Posted by Stacy at October 21, 2005 07:37 PM | TrackBack


I'm pretty sure that when you hit the big gate in the sky (or what ever you believe) that you probably will get put ahead of Brian in line.

Folks like Brian are the reason I'm no longer involved in organized religion.

While he's ragging on you for having opinions, he feels that lying (as he originally did) is okay.

Heck, if we use his standard Mother Teresa shouldn't be up for sainthood, she should be rotting in hell; and I'm pretty sure that isn't happening.

Have a great day, keep up the good work.

Posted by: crazy Politico at October 21, 2005 09:33 PM

What an asshole! I'm a Christian woman. I 'cuss and I have an opinion on absolutely everything. And yet I have no doubt about where I'll be spending eternity. Expressing an opinion is not a "man's role". Ask my husband. He hasn't had an opinion on anything in 7 years.

Posted by: Cyndee at October 21, 2005 10:12 PM

In all honesty I have no idea what this person's agenda is. Anyone that really knows my blog knows that I fight for traditionalism. For him to claim that women are to keep their mouths shut because it's Biblical is ridiculous. There were many great women in the Bible that didn't keep their mouths shut. Geezz, I piss of the feminists and those nutball religious zealots; I must be doing something right.

And Brian, if that's who you really are, it's because of people like you the people like Crazy Politico have left organized religion. I left a denominational church because of people like you. People so 'aggessive' about shoving their ideology of religion down the throats of people who didn't want it or weren't ready for it, because of their interpretation of the Great Commission. I have personally witnessed more people repulsed by this action and eternally lost with that approach than any other. It's people like you that have destroyed Christianity. The world sees us as freaks because of people like you.

Posted by: Stacy at October 21, 2005 11:51 PM

That didn't read like a man wrote it. Are you sure it isn't a woman posing as a man posing as a woman???

What stupidity. He redefines conservative as morally perfect. This is the fictitious standard applied to conservatives by liberals. I can point out the fallacy this way: he is liberal because this liberal reasoning. What kind of extreme oversimplification is this? Ah, I know. This is the kind of extreme oversimplification we expect from a self righteous loser who needs to get the plank out of their own eye.

Then he wants to tell you to be quiet and private all the time. Where is that scripture?

Stacy, don’t try to guess at this persons denominational affiliation. That only serves to insult good people by association. Also, clean up your language (while you’re at it, clean mine up too). Don’t let this critic discourage you from improving yourself.

It never fails. Any time someone starts to accomplish a goal, some pontificator has to tell them they suck.

I would love to have 35 seconds alone with Brian. I would like teach him how to be a man. He seems like he is already an expert on being a woman.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at October 22, 2005 05:50 AM

Sometimes the best you can respond to folks like this is to leave them behind with great contempt. They's like a used corn cob. You don't need 'em unless you a wantin' a smoke.

Posted by: Cleetus at October 22, 2005 08:36 AM

Yea BWH, if I were to guess I'd say RN Bitch is a woman and the e-mail was just to throw me off. The comment in the 'I'm Cured' post is too far away from this e-mail. And after all, people like this don't own computers cuz' they're EVIL!!!


CT has had trouble posting this, stupid MuNu.

Dear Brian or RB,

You must really be in much internal pain to write as you have. What you wrote was hurtful and misrepresentative of the Lord you say you wish to follow. But God does provide us hope for healing.

First, you evidently did not feel firm enough to stand behind what you wrote, as you felt you had to be deceitful and take on the identity of a woman -- and even more, you had to pick a name that is demeaning to women. (Does that perhaps speak to internal pain and conflict that you have in your view of women and in your relationships with them?).

I appreciate that you have since admitted to Stacy that you are a man (assuming that you are now telling the truth), though I don't see any remorse in your e-mail message.

However, don't you see how your deceit undermines any trust we might have in you and fatally compromises what you say. If we can't trust you to be honest with respect to your sex, how can we put much credence when you claim to speak on behalf of the God of Truth!

Moreover, you chose to make your hurtful comments on a posting in which Stacy bared her soul both to reveal her long-standing eating disorder as well as to rejoice in her most recent victory over it, in the process implicitly enlisting our support in her battle.

Do your appreciate how much trust and courage it took for her to risk speaking out about her eating disorder? This issue is difficult enough to share with one's closest friends -- how much more difficult it is to share this with the world.

I believe that Stacy did this because she views us as part of her circle of friends (or perhaps even as part of her extended family). I am flattered and appreciative that she has included me in her circle, and I prayerfully continue to support her in her ongoing battles against this foe of hers (and of God).

And then you came and rained on this parade. And you know, what you said about self-worth is totally wrong and contrary to the Bible. Our self-worth has nothing to do with looks, spouse, or children.

Rather, our self-worth is based on the infinite value that God places upon us; he values us so highly that in love He sent His Only Son to live among us as one of us and to die an unjust death in order to open the way for the relationship between Himself and us to be healed in reconciliation so that we can live eternally in relationship with Him.

I sense that you labor under an oppressive burden that drives you to speak as you do. I have had to struggle against oppressive and abusive theologies. But we are called to worship God in spirit and in truth -- we need both like a bicycle needs two wheels. And he does promise that His love and truth will set us free.

I'd be happy to converse further with you via e-mail. (Among other things, we could discuss your misperceptions about God's view of women.)

In any case, I pray that you will come to know and live out the compassion that Christ has for us and for those we encounter in this world we all live in.

civil truth

Posted by: Stacy at October 22, 2005 10:57 AM

OK, just a quick word here:

Anybody who lets another person's behavior drive them away from organized religion most likely weren't sincere in their expression of religious faith to begin with, or were quite immature in their faith. It is no excuse--your obligation to worship corporately overrides any personal squabble or slander/slight you may have suffered. In short, GROW UP and start acting like an adult. Go to church.

Posted by: Jeff H at October 22, 2005 01:34 PM

Jeff H.
(or are you my mommy??)

I'm pretty sure God will be happy with my style of worship, even if it's not in a church.

Not sure the Pope would be happy with my former catholic church selling baptisms for illegitimate children ($5000 to the building fund should do it), or the deacon's who consistently beat it into us what a sin it was to be drinking, but found at Club 400 every night.

Methodists turned out just as bad (taught sunday school for them for 4 years). A broke parish asking members to hock jewelry to do a $50,000 refurb job that didn't need to be done.

I think I'll read my bible at home, pray myself, and I'm sure I'll be okay.

Plus I save a couple of bucks, which I give to the Salvation Army and Red Cross.

Posted by: bob at October 22, 2005 06:04 PM

Love you all, let's leave it here. ;)

Posted by: Stacy at October 22, 2005 06:09 PM

Were you in prison in the South? Did you need a big man to take care of you? If so, I guess the "Redneck Bitch" monniker makes sense.

Posted by: Tony at October 23, 2005 10:22 PM

Bob (with a decidedly little "b"):

How do you know whether or not God "will be happy with {your} style of worship, even if it's not in a church"? Do you not see any value in having the church as body that decided the will of God corporately? Else, it all just ends up being each individual wacko's notion of how to worship God, including human sacrifice, sprinkling chicken blood around the pentagram, f***ing prostitutes on the altar, or doing it with squirrels in the trees while sucking on their nuts.

No offense, but people who claim they worship God completely outside the structure of His Church are deceiving themselves.

Posted by: Jeff H at October 23, 2005 10:27 PM


I think Jeff's heart is in the right place, but I think his concern may not be expressing itself in what is likely to be a helpful manner. Let me make a pass on this.

You mentioned that you've been hurt a few times by jerks who were church leaders. And so you decided to jump ship and find your own private island where you wouldn't feel hassled, exploited, betrayed. That's perfectly understandable. We all have seasons in our lives where we need to step back to a zone of safety, lick our wounds, and think things over.

But in the end, faith and religious practice is not about taking the safe path. Jesus certainly didn't play it safe, even though he had plenty of opportunities to carve out a nice comfortable niche for himself and make a "good living" as a professional preacher.

What this means that at some point we need to go back into the fray. While our faith is rooted in a personal relationship with the living God, living out our faith is meant to be done in community with other like-minded believers -- and that means dealing with all the blemishes and frailities of our fellow humans -- calling a spade a space when it comes to leadership that prostitutes the good reputation of Christ -- but at the same time showing compassion towards human weakness.

Indeed, if our faith is going to make a difference in the world, we need to work in concert with others; indeed when the world see a group of diverse Christians sharing their lives together and successfully navigating relationship shoals, this is quite a testimony to the transforming power of Christ. It's not easy, though; we're going to get some bumps and cuts -- and perhaps broken bones, but we need to keep working at it.

And we also need a group to which we can be accountable, to keep our thoughts from going off course when there's no one around to discuss them with or who can see the effects in our life. When we have an accountability group, it's much harder to carry out those little sins or fall prey to addictions -- which once they take root can quickly become enormous weeds -- for instance, dabbling in internet pornograpy, cutting corners in business relationships -- things we would find much harder to succumb to when we have a buddy or buddies covering each others' backs!

So you don't necessarily need to jump right back into the Sunday church thing, especially if it's just going to replay old tapes -- but do at least search around and find a small group, perhaps a men's group -- but find some group of people who are also seeking to follow God -- you and I both know they're out there -- and start one step at a time. It might take a few tries to find the group that right for you at this time in your life.

But it's really vital to get connected with others. Best wishes on your journey.

Posted by: civil truth at October 24, 2005 03:36 PM

Civil, thanks for the elucidation (even if it did take several more kilobytes of server space and say basically the exact same thing I did).

I would make one small excision, though: the word "diverse" is not needed in the statement "...indeed when the world see a group of diverse Christians sharing their lives". I believe the powerful testimony of unity trumps diversity any day. Yes, we're not identical, and thus "diverse"; but our diversity is neither a source of strength, nor a testament to it. Unity, not because of nor out of, but rather in spite of diversity is the true witness to Jesus' power. If our diversity is recognized before our unity, we have failed in our testimony.

Posted by: Jeff H at October 24, 2005 05:19 PM

Jeff, excellent point (John 17:21). Unity comes first -- a unity that reconciles diversity rather than turning us all into clones.

Posted by: civil truth at October 24, 2005 06:18 PM

Thanks, CV. You da man!!!

Posted by: Jeff H at October 25, 2005 12:18 AM

Stacy, I didn't read all the comments for two reasons: 1) Not enough time, and 2)They wouldn't change or alter what I wanted to say, anyway.

I long ago came to the conclusion that my hate and judgment and self-exalting were more harmful to others (and myself) and my hate of my neighbor hurt the heart of God (so to speak) more so than if I said "F*ck!" when I was angry or when my baby toe grabbed the corner. There will always be something for which the faliable eyes of mankind can see me do wrong.

My new favorite quote from The Kingdom of Heaven (Orlando's character wants to burn the bodies of the dead within the walls of Jerusalem in order to ward off disease, the catholic priest tells him that God won't be able to resurrect them to which Orlando replies:) "God will understand and if He doesn't, then He is not God and we have not to worry." There is no greater understanding of who we are and all that comes with and no greater measure of grace that accompanies it, than with God, Stacy. We are more than a mouth and a body, and it will take more than what we do with our mouths and bodies to eliminate our spirits from the realms of God.

Posted by: Rae at October 27, 2005 09:19 AM