October 08, 2005

Pet Trolls

So Eugene, the guy who called me a fat, ugly, white trash cunt; and said that he was going to pray for something bad to happen to me and my family has decided to start a blog. Because I ban every IP he comes from he has now decided to take the shallow way out and respond to every post of mine on his own blog. Now, that's cheating. When you're so fucking uncreative that you can't come up with your own shit? Tisk, tisk. I trust all of you to follow him and let him know who we are. Thanks.


Posted by Stacy at October 8, 2005 09:49 AM | TrackBack

If your fat, and ugly, then call me "Hogger"..lol This guy sounds like a true blue moron.


Posted by: RegularRon at October 8, 2005 10:17 AM

Loved his first post: Testing.

Usually that is followed by "One, two, three."

Guess Eugene can't count.

Posted by: Maggie at October 8, 2005 10:40 AM


Posted by: echotig at October 8, 2005 11:21 AM

Well, so far he has nothing to say, even in response to your posts. If this keeps up, there's nothing for us to do ;)

Posted by: Bill at October 8, 2005 12:18 PM

My pleasure.

Posted by: Nettie at October 8, 2005 02:13 PM

That was just scorching. Really, Stacy, I don't know how you can bear it. ;-)

Posted by: Bohemian at October 8, 2005 03:44 PM

Nice troll. I thought I got all the good ones.

Some day, when mommy let's him use the computer again, he may get past the "test" part of his blog. After too many comments like we've posted, though, I'm sure that he'll go away.

As you'll note on my new blog (link at my site), trolls always run away, never to be seen again.

P.S. you're still not remembering me (pout)

Posted by: The Exile at October 8, 2005 07:36 PM

We've got yer back, Stacy!

Posted by: Cyndee at October 9, 2005 01:05 AM

Maybe he was counting his "testes". Assuming he's got any. My guess is, if he's got any, they're insensate.

As Bugs would say, "What a maroon."

Don't think I'll be visiting him. I'm past the days of being able to enjoy visits to the local clinic for shots.

Posted by: Jeff H at October 9, 2005 01:13 AM

this guy must have nothing better to do ? hey he is a web stalker , goodness gracious man get a LIFE !!!

Posted by: gina at October 9, 2005 01:23 PM

Picking on this guy is just way too much fun. I'm gonna have to stop before I turn into a mean person in real life.

Posted by: Cyndee at October 10, 2005 12:22 AM

I think we have a candidate for this weeks White Trash Wednesday. Provide that he actually writes something. Such a creative blog name. (snicker)

PS: love the new header, Stacy.

Posted by: William Teach at October 10, 2005 10:05 AM

I took one look left a quick comment and will never go back. The thing these trolls enjoy more than anything else is getting your goat. That's why they're called... Ummmm.. TROLLS! And not under the bridge variety (though Eugene might resemble a troll under a bridge.)

The problem is, you gave him a LINK!!!! What were you thinking????? You took him out of the realm of insignificant microbe (in the TTLB Ecosystem) and made him into a crawly worm or something (a big step up for Eugene).

The best way to deal with a troll is to ignore them.

(I have also found that having my own blog is a great way to handle bloggers with a hair-trigger comment delete button, though I like to think that most are above that if I remain civil).

Posted by: Tony at October 10, 2005 10:38 AM

I know, I know, I was told by a few other bloggers not to feed the trolls. And in all honesty I doubt if I will ever go there again. I really could care less about Eugene and from here on out will ignore him. He has already lied about a few things so I'm guessing that he will just continue to do that. I'm actually considering praying for the young, misguided lad. He has intellect, he just needs to find his soul.

Posted by: Stacy at October 10, 2005 10:46 AM

Stacy, the guy is a putz. You're a lady. 'Nuff said.

Posted by: Shamalama at October 10, 2005 11:10 PM

Stacy, our "hero" has blogged on intelligent design (something I recently wrote about and have since been trolled by someone else). I came back at him, hoping to determine which one comes out -- the foul-mouthed one or the weepy, apologetic one. Wagers, anyone?

Posted by: bob at October 12, 2005 02:44 AM