October 07, 2005

Sex Toys

What happens when too many men in Sri Lanka are being arrested for having sexual relations with girls under the age of consent? They change the law to lower the age from 16 to 13. Hell, I guess it's better than Ginsberg's suggestion of 12.

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Posted by Stacy at October 7, 2005 02:57 PM | TrackBack


The world has gone mad.

...and we're supposed to honor all cultures as being on par with our own.

Posted by: Bill at October 7, 2005 03:20 PM

Sri Lanka is an Island. Lets go rescue the women and leave all of the perverts to go %(#&% themselves.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at October 7, 2005 03:58 PM

Yes Bill, and may I remind everyone that Sri Lanka is mostly a Muslim country. Ahhh, must be lovely to be a Muslim woman. Abuse, female circumcision, rape; but Christianity is the repressive religion, right?

Correction, Sri Lanka is not Muslim; it's mostly Buddist. Sorry all. I went upon a news piece I viewed after the tsunami.

Posted by: Stacy at October 7, 2005 04:30 PM

I confess that I didn't lok it up, but my recollection was that it is Muslim.

The Religion of Peace, we are told.

I'm normally not one to come out against any particular religion, but am about to make an exception, as all the pretty words about Islam fail utterly to match the actions we see, and the silence from the Muslim leaders in this country, who I would like to hear regularly condemning the atrocities that are so often reported simply makes the case against Islam.

Religion as terror -- it's reality.

Posted by: Bill at October 7, 2005 05:15 PM

THANK YOU JESUS that my daughters are all over 18 years old!

I cannot fathom any man, regardless of how long he's "been without" or what level of "sex hunger" he might have, wanting to have sex with a 13-year-old girl. Muslim or not, allowed by your religious leaders or not, these men have serious problems and need to be removed from society ASAP.

How about we ship them all to an island in the Pacific? Sooner or later they will simply "start in" with each other, making the whole world a better place.

Geez, if I ever found anyone with either of my daughters when they were 13 . . .

. . . that's why God invented shotguns.

Posted by: Shamalama at October 7, 2005 06:28 PM

And . . . it was Eugene who corrected my mistake. Although I appreciate him letting me know, he's not welcome here. When you can't play nice then you are not allowed to play at all. Keep the IP's coming Eugene, I don't have a limit on what I can ban.

Posted by: Stacy at October 7, 2005 10:21 PM


I really appreciate your drawing our attention to the situation in Sri Lanka. This is just one manifestation of the sex trafficing, sexual slavery, rape, forced prostitution, and abuse directed against the most vulnerable of women around the world that continues to be an international scandal and an assault against God.

The lastest news from Sri Lanka, however, is somewhat less dire. In response to massive protests, the government for the moment has shelved its proposed law to lower the age of consent to 13. The law is not entirely dead, though, but its progress has been halted at present.

Regardless, the fact that the Sri Lanka cabinet voted to propose the law in the first place still is vile and disgusting.


According to figures from Habitat for Humanity Sri Lanka, the religions of Sri Lanka are as follows:

Buddhist 70%, Hindu 15%, Christian 8%, Muslim 7%


By the way, in the interest of accuracy, I also thought I'd alert you that Professor Volokh recent stated his opinion that Justice Ginsburg likely was the victim of a drafting error in regards to her position on the age of consent.

Her position thus appears to be somewhat less despicable that has been alleged, although she is still way out of line, in my opinion.

Best regards,

Posted by: civil truth at October 8, 2005 03:18 AM

No problem. Since you don't like me posting here and since I don't like to change my IP so often, I have decided to get a blog. http://eugeneone.blogspot.com/
All my responses to your post will be there. Chao.

Posted by: Eugene at October 8, 2005 06:19 AM

Thanks CT, I had not seen an update on this story. That's nice to know. The sex trafficing issue is an important one to bring up.

Eugene, best of luck, you know however you will be followed and abused my many.

Posted by: Stacy at October 8, 2005 09:36 AM