October 05, 2005

My Continued Gender Identity Problem

I really do hate going into personal stories here, but this one's worthy.

I have spent much of my adult life doing guy things. I love using a shovel and have personally planted everything in our landscape. Nothing like dirt under the nails to prove to yourself that you're a tough cookie. I know more about internal combustion engines than many men do. I don't fear spiders, snakes, rodents, etc. I know what tool is what and was thrilled one Christmas when my husband gave me a cordless screwdriver. I have spent many, many weekends matside yelling "crossface, crossface" (which is a very painful thing to do to your wrestling opponent). I take creatine and lift weights (had to cut back on the creatine though, whoa). Get the picture?

I often complain to my husband that I don't feel feminine enough. Maybe I should wear jewelry, or paint my nails, or something; anything. My life living with four guys has changed my outlook, my thought process and my humor. Has all of this testosterone ruined me?

Well, yesterday I was getting an oil change (although I could do it myself if I had to) and there was a man in there with his bird dogs. One of these dogs was desperate to get to me. She was falling all over herself and wagging her tail in a rushed effort to have me pet her. Her owner then states "well, that's weird, she doesn't like women". Enough said, I guess I am a man.

Posted by Stacy at October 5, 2005 02:57 PM | TrackBack

A man you're not, as your picture plainly shows ;)

One of the more serious failings of the human race is our tendency to equate activities with sexual roles. It's silly, when you think of it. Why should it be so odd that a woman knows how to use hand tools, or that a man might be able to operate a sewing machine?

And gender is a language thing; humans come in two sexes, while pronouns have genders. All else is latter day language bastardization. See:

Posted by: Bill at October 5, 2005 03:11 PM

Yea, I couldn't tell you how to sew. Buttons maybe, but that's about it. Do you need me to fix something?

Posted by: Stacy at October 5, 2005 03:14 PM

Nice to hear I am not alone - I don't wear makeup, my husband asks me to repair all electronics, and I haven't seen a lawnmower I can't fix. Every person has their own talents!

Posted by: scmommy at October 5, 2005 03:25 PM

I wish I knew how to do the typical "male" things, but I don't. Fortunately, my hubby is teaching the girls some good skills as they grow older, which will really help them once they are out on their own.

One day, my husband was giving me a hard time about not changing the car's oil. I looked at him straight in the eye and said "The minute you start cleaning the shitty toilets will be the minute I begin changing the oil". He's never said a word about it since, and he's never volunteered to clean the toilets.

Posted by: Valerie at October 5, 2005 03:52 PM


Posted by: Stacy at October 5, 2005 03:55 PM

I grew up with three yonger brothers. My paternal grandmother had many grandchildren, but the girls were at a considerable distance, so while I was in grade school, I learned to sew, crochet, and knit. My father had little patience with his children, so most of the "guy stuff" I learned on my own, though he did teach me about electricity and a bit about electronics.

Posted by: Bill at October 5, 2005 04:09 PM

Look in the mirror for crying out loud!!!!
If you don’t have enough estrogen, no woman does.

BTW does creatine work? ABTW I love kettle-bells. Have you tried them?

Posted by: bigwhitehat at October 5, 2005 06:04 PM

Nope, never used the weighted balls. Lots of free weights and a gnarly Boflex. Creatine is awesome!!! You have to find the right formula though; we use Advocare. Back in about March of this year I started using supplements that my husband had been pushing me to try. I use to do a pre-workout drink and a post-workout drink. My legs were HUGE!! So huge in fact my husband requested that I quit using the supplements. His face still today gets a grave look on it when it's mentioned. Anyway, I changed my leg routine and cut out about half of the creatine. I just go with straight protein after I lift.

Posted by: Stacy at October 5, 2005 06:42 PM

Bill, I enthusiastically second your comments. It's a mighty fine looking picture, I would add. You're one of the few people I've encountered who know the difference between sex and gender. However, I do prefer Edie Schwager's formulation: Words have gender, people have sex!"

Stacy, Don't judge yourself by the world's standards. God doesn't mind whether your activity and interests are "male" or "female" as defined by our culture. He judges your heart, and he knows by your having carried three children in your womb and by how you nurture your children that you're a fine woman who truly values life!

Posted by: civil truth at October 5, 2005 08:57 PM

Man? Not.
Desperate housewife? Not.
Classy? Yup.

Posted by: bob at October 5, 2005 11:53 PM

If you're a man then you're wearing one hell of a diguise.

My wife is the mechanic and I'm the chef. However, she is afraid of rodents and spiders and I have to kill them for her.

Roles should never be so rigid that we cannot have some spill over. Do what God designed you to do best.

Thoughtful post as usual.

Posted by: BobG at October 6, 2005 08:57 AM

So as long as were discussing the jobs of the sexes, check out Tom's post on the subject. You think your a man and he thinks he is a woman. This sounds like a sick Lou Reed song.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at October 6, 2005 09:29 AM

I have to admit, you are surely no man. In my house, my man does the cooking, cleaning, and I kill the bugs and love the sports. (Yes, he is afraid of bugs) Although I must admit he does the weight lifting, and neither of us are car fixer people. I really am starting to believe that the "male" and "female" roles are becoming less and less. Maybe I am crazy, but that is what I believe. I know more people that excel in the opposite gender roles than the ones they are "supposed to" excel at for their gender. So, you are hardly alone!

Posted by: click at October 6, 2005 11:18 AM

You could try a nice field trip to BBW. Although they tell me that I'm really not that feminine...wait, that doesn't leave much hope does it?

Posted by: Nettie at October 6, 2005 04:37 PM

Nettie, if you saw my stash of BBW products you'd be very pleased. I go into BBW about 3 times a year a buy a TON of stuff at once. I actually bought a special cabinet to hold my stuff.

Posted by: Stacy at October 6, 2005 04:45 PM

LOL at Valeries comments........

and PS: HELLLOOOOOO LONG LOST SISTER! Not only am I a 'married single mom' (LOL) but I also did our Landscaping (even the 1 ton of ROCK from the back of the pickup truck) and of course all the 'fixin' in the house too as I see a broken dishwasher or washing machine and think; "hmmm, I wonder if it's this, that, or if 'this' will fix it" my husband? See's the broken 'anything' and goes into catastrophic-thinking-mode. "Oh no! GREAT! Now WHAT!?"

So, yeah, I'll put my blonde hair up in a ponytail and join ya in the 'man' work around the house. LOL.

Posted by: meritt at October 6, 2005 04:46 PM

WOOHOO MERITT!!!! Ponytails and broken nails, that's the life for me!

Posted by: Stacy at October 6, 2005 10:23 PM

A man?

Gee, now I feel so...

...you know...


Posted by: Jeff H at October 7, 2005 12:03 AM

Whoa. I thought all screwdrivers were cordless.


Posted by: mr. beamish the instablepundit at October 8, 2005 12:13 AM