September 19, 2005

Silo Goes Straight

It's true, Silo the gay penguin has gone straight. After six years in a same-sex relationship with fellow penguin Roy, he's found heterosexual love. This article I found over at The Chicago Tribune I thought was a delightful dissection of this story.

Now I'm not going to dive too deep into this one. My long time readers might remember a post I did ages ago regarding a gay rooster I had. I posted that piece in my early Blogger days and deleted it in attempting to speed up my blog only to figure out that the problem was just Blogger. Perhaps I'll recompose that piece one day soon.

I'm one of those freaks that believes homosexuality is both inherent and/or chosen. I have someone very close to me that struggles with their sexuality and in learning of her childhood experiences; her current confusion makes much sense. I will always remain with what the Bible says regarding homosexuality, but it doesn't mean I'm going to be an ass to someone who is not heterosexual.

Back to Silo; what I think this proves is that the perpetuation of the species in the animal kingdom prevailed. In this case when given the opportunity to go about it in the natural order way, natural order won. Now perhaps Silo will struggle in the future, maybe he'll be confused. We might turn on the television one day and see Silo downing a fifth of whiskey because it's all too much for him to handle. He'll be sitting on his rock looking at his loving female partner with their baby, and then catching a glimpse of Roy wooing young male penguins; who knows what the future holds for this odd love triangle? All I know is that if it's reported that an animal psychotherapist is brought in one day, I won't be surprised.

Posted by Stacy at September 19, 2005 12:05 PM | TrackBack

Nah! I think he was bi the whole time. I saw him with hooker bear!

Posted by: Jay at September 19, 2005 12:23 PM

Even the name Silo is sexually confusing. No wonder he is a freak.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at September 19, 2005 12:36 PM

Yea, why not Siegfried?

Posted by: Stacy at September 19, 2005 12:45 PM

Good post, Stacy.

I personally believe homosexuality is 99.9% nature, but in rare cases think it is chosen due to whatever circumstance. Witness the inordinate amount of women that "experiment," and how widely accepted this is.

If memory serves you and I disagree somewhat on the whole homosexual marriage/civil union/whatever scenario. I'm not for gay marriage, but believe some legal recognition should exist for homosexuals who truly wish to express their commitment for one another. Yes, I realize I'm an abomination for suggesting this, but I'm afraid that when I look at the state of the world, I cannot stifle someone from expressing love.

That's love, not lust or promiscuity. Gay or straight, hopping in the sack with someone as thanks for buying you a Big Mac is a bad idea.

Posted by: Admin Worm at September 19, 2005 12:57 PM

The fact that this guy (Gramzay, the senior penguin caretaker!) "looks at things from a penguin's viewpoint" makes you wonder... There are so many things to worry about in the HUMAN world... somehow, finding the solution by observing penguins seems a little crazy...

Posted by: Louise at September 19, 2005 01:16 PM

Memory serves you wrong Tom; although I don't believe in the legalization of gay marriage, I personally don't have a problem with civil unions. This is where the centrist in me appears; although this nation was founded upon religious freedom (not freedom from religion), it was also founded upon equality. Having different regulations for a couple that is not heterosexual I believe is discriminatory. I think that upholding traditional values of marriage and family is imperative, but denying same-sex couples some of the benefits of a legal union is not the American way. Who'd I piss off?

Posted by: Stacy at September 19, 2005 01:21 PM

I stand corrected, Stacy.

Posted by: Admin Worm at September 19, 2005 02:12 PM

Maybe the fact that it is after all penguibns prevented some of the

Posted by: Nettie at September 20, 2005 08:36 AM