September 08, 2005

Random Thought

I remember from my childhood often being made to feel embarrassed that my family was from the south. We moved often and it was always Mississippi to Colorado, back down to Alabama, back up to Colorado, back and forth, and back and forth, with a few moves to Texas and one to Shreveport, Louisiana.

In all those years most people viewed the deep south with more than a little disgust. Even in the upper regions of Mississippi and Alabama, they looked down upon the coastal people. Many from the coastal regions from Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana were/are destitute. My father grew up on the coast and they were dirt poor. He came from a family of nine children that on occasion, had electricity. (I will have to go into detail about my dad one day; he was an interesting character.)

His family was the epitome of the poor south. Historically these states have always been the poorest and the least educated. The ones that did stay in school still tested out far below the national average.

But here's what I find appalling. These same Massachusetts and New York liberals, the Hollywood left, and the liberals that inhabit the large cities around this country; have always looked down upon the people of the south. These were the people they made fun of at their cocktail parties. These were the people that Hollywood mocked with their productions. These were the people that they believed were the bible-thumping, snake handling, unsanitary, ignoramus population embarrassing the United States. These were the people that {gasp} believed in God and country.

So now when the opportunity arises to gain politically from this disaster, they suddenly develop concern and sympathy for these people. Overnight {those} people of the south, were their concern. They took them in under their political wings and whispered sweet nothings to them.

I don't know where all of this will lead to in the end, but how dare anyone take advantage of this situation and these people whose lives have been ruined. That's the kind of bad Karma that will eventually catch up with you.

Posted by Stacy at September 8, 2005 11:49 AM | TrackBack

I find throughly disgusting that the left would try and make political hay from this tragedy (though I shouldn't be surprised). Why did Florida seem to get a better respone to their hurricanes? ... maybe they were better prepared? Ya think?

... and funny how we can tie all this back to racism. Must be the root of all evil.

Posted by: Ken at September 8, 2005 04:09 PM

And maybe Florida was better prepared because they're not "ruled" by a bunch of Future Felons of America graduates (AKA "Democrats").

Posted by: Jeff H at September 8, 2005 07:18 PM

Stacy, honey, I grew up in Oklahoma. Talk about getting teased. I mentioned it once in a post and some hag with an issue said "Oklahoma sucks" in the comments. So I now get about ten hits a weeks with that as the search term.

Oh, I guess you will now, too :D I like to share :D

And Stacy, all the Hollywoody's wink at the poor, giving them a white bread and bologna sandwich while they dine on caviar.

Posted by: Rae at September 8, 2005 08:46 PM

This is hard for me to understand. In Texas your proud of being a Texan whether your Slim Pickens or T. Boone Pickens. And if anyone puts you down you always know it doesn’t matter because you’re better than them.

Yes there is poverty in the south but have you ever seen the Bronx or Jamaica Plain? Just listen to Sean Hannity’s man on the street interviews in New York. The common man from Manhattan or Boston is no better educated than the folks in Tupelo.

Take heart! You are obviously well educated enough to write consistently and make more sense than most college professors. And you’re much better looking than they are to boot!

If some snob puts down you or the south, he only shows us who he is; a jackass!

Posted by: bigwhitehat at September 8, 2005 11:08 PM


As a displaced son of the south myself, I understand your frustration, without understanding the Northern aggressors or their modern day replacements, the rainbow coalition liberals. This post has raised a lot misplaced ire by some of the semi-literate libs who drop in here seeking a steady target. Eugene probably missed out on the fact that race relations in the deep south are far better developed than in the Northeast.

There are two books written by Rick Bragg that will refresh your pride in your southern heritage, Stacy. Ava's Man and All Over But the Shoutin'. Joe Bob sez check em out.

Posted by: Gordon at September 8, 2005 11:44 PM

I don't really care if they hate me. I'm not interested in gaining the popularity of people who want everyone else to rely on the government for all of their needs. I want to take responsibility for myself, and take care of myself and my family. I don't need the governments help. When people rely on the government for money, medicine, food, etc., it makes them vulnerable. Perhaps so vulnerable that they can't even perform a simple task like evacuating before a hurricane.

Posted by: von at September 9, 2005 09:36 AM


Two things:

Notice how predictably a Nawthen librahl will stoop to ugly name calling in the face of a couple of rounds of steady, on point argument?

Second, anyone would could refer to Stacy as "ugly fat c**t" is either blind and jumping to (stereotypical) conclusions; or a seriously poor judge of womanhood. That, my Northern busybody, is one fine looking belle.

Go on back to your tea party, sissy boy.

Posted by: beast7 at September 9, 2005 10:27 AM

It's funny, but the only place that has real pockets of liberalism in the South, in my experience, are the universities. I've run into people who seemed surprised that I'm a conservative- apparently because I'm a smart female, I'm supposed to be liberal. Buck the trend or something.

Posted by: Nettie at September 9, 2005 10:53 AM

See what I mean? Jackasses! Lots of snooty Jackasses! These folks are so beneath me that I wonder if we really are the same species.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at September 9, 2005 11:18 AM

Wait... I missed the fight! Oh, poopie!

But I do want to say that I got the joke - but of course the teller should have said, "Bolt of LIGHTNING." Thunder doesn't bolt. Stupid Northerner.

Posted by: Nightfly at September 9, 2005 01:29 PM

Wow. Quite an interesting thread for my first visits.

Most college students are liberal or moderate because they are young. They haven't really experienced the real world enough to know any better. IMHO.

Six months ago I was still trying to make my mind up about which side of this political world I wanted to be on. People like eugene just continually make my mind up for me. So far eugene has:

1. Called a woman a fat "c word". Here in the south, we do respect women. I don't really mind falling into that stereotype.

2. Made a joke about a man's autistic child. I don't even think I need to go into that. One of my best friends son is autistic, and it is an incredible battle to be fighting.

I don't think I want to be anywhere near associated with anyone that will stoop to this level. "fucktard" and "anonymous coward" are not even close to the things that eugene has said. They are merely words lashing out at what appeared to be a troll. I'm guilty of it myself.

Posted by: von at September 9, 2005 05:44 PM

It really disturbs me that this post has turned into a flame war.

Stacy, although I think you painted a bit too broad of a brush stroke, I concur with the feelings that you expressed about what must seem like a carpetbagger rerun. General Honore of Louisiana has character that shames our Northern politicians (as well as many Southern politicians and incompetent political hacks...but I digress).

I was born and raised in the Northeast, and growing up during the Civil Rights struggle, I learned to feel superior over the southern "bigots". It wasn't till years later that I came to understand (1) that we Northerners weren't really any better about race, it just found expresssion as de facto rather than de jure discrimination; and (2) the unsung heroes of the Civil Rights movement were the much maligned white southern Christians, who when confronted by the error of their ways, they, finding root in their faith, changed their beliefs and actions and institutions in ways that we Northeners have not been capable of to nearly the same extent. It is my hope that New Orleans may represent the end of the "old South" and that if any good comes out of this tragedy, it is that New Orleans will rise again as part of the "new South".

Thank you for your comment.

Posted by: civil truth at September 9, 2005 05:58 PM

By the way, Stacy, I stand with beast7 in affirming your beauty and character.

Posted by: civil truth at September 9, 2005 06:07 PM

Civil Truth:

Great post, but I think you are missing a big point. It is not that NO needs to become part of the "New South". It's that we have a huge problem of allowing people to depend too much on the government, and not enough on themselves. Were there no black people that were able to get themselves out of the city of New Orleans before the Hurricane hit?

As I stated above, I'm new to this, so I welcome any opinion as long as it is not telling me how stupid I am. I already know that. :)

Posted by: von at September 9, 2005 06:10 PM