August 11, 2005

More Announcements

First, y'all know about my little Google problem. It's frustrating and on occasion I vent about it. So, from now on once a week I will simply post the past week's peculiar searches. It will help me release my anger about all these pervs making their way to my site and additionally it will entertain you. I guess when you use all the words I do your bound to end up on a perverted Google search.

Second, I've been asked to help coach my son's competitive soccer team. I have coached for years at the rec level but never competitive. We ended up quite accidently last Spring in the different league. I dislocated my hip last February and was unable to do things like {walk}. (That's a whole other story, I'm still recovering.) Anywho . . . I decided last Spring that if I couldn't coach then I wasn't going to leave #3 in the rec league. So now here I am helping, and probably will assist in forming a new league in our town due to problems we have experienced with the current league. Why am I telling you this? Because it will interfere with blogging, but I'll get some great posts from it too.

Lastly, I'M GOING TO THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN BLOGGER BASH!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!! On August 20, location still unknown, I'm going to be rubbing elbows with fellow Colorado bloggers. I'm looking forward to it. Most of my blogging pals are in the South or Midwest. Scary part though? Colorado has quite a few libs. I promised to be on good behavior, so they'll let me come.

If there are any spelling errors in this post, ignore them, I really don't care. Stupid Movable Type.

Posted by Stacy at August 11, 2005 10:42 PM | TrackBack

"I promised to be on good behavior, so they'll let me come."

That's the first step down the slippery slope to becoming a "moderate." Watch yourself!

Posted by: Kevin at August 12, 2005 12:00 AM

Stacy, Family & Life first, Blogging second (maybe). You'll get a lot of stories, make notes and let us have them when you can.
I don't suppose Pennsylvanians can attend The Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash?(kidding) I'm really jealous of where you live. Convert those Libs!
You are gonna be so busy(er)!

Posted by: Paul of York at August 12, 2005 12:31 AM

Me promising to be good? Really it's more about that foul mouth I've been developing; I'm considering working on that.

P to the Y - that's it, I've nothing else. Just a gansta nickname for ya.

Posted by: Stacy at August 12, 2005 12:36 AM

(Here I go being an idiot, again) You Talkin' To Me? Cause if you're talkin' to me - What is it? Or was that it?
If you're not - then you've got to erase this one! Please!

Posted by: Paul of York at August 12, 2005 10:27 AM

Actually, most of the attendees would probably describe themselves as libertarians or conservatives. There are a few left-leaners in the mix and one full-blown contrarian. Christians, atheists, and agnostics.

It's a heck of a mix of people, actually.

I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself. Especially after the first few shots. Heheh.

Posted by: zombyboy at August 12, 2005 01:51 PM

Thanks ZB, a good part of the CO blogs I run into are liberal, so yes, I was slightly concerned. I'm not much of a drinker though, guess I'll act as the adult.

Posted by: Stacy at August 12, 2005 01:55 PM