June 27, 2006

He's Got My Vote

Just heard Tom Tancredo on The Laura Ingraham Show and if this man chooses to run, I will support him. I've always felt that a Congressman really doesn't stand a chance at the presidency, but I like the words coming out of this man's mouth. I am however, concerned about his ability to cancel out Shillary.

Posted by Stacy at June 27, 2006 11:02 AM | TrackBack

I think the Republicans need to completely ignore Hillary in their choice of a candidate. There's a built-in "hate Hillary enough to vote for a squirrel" factor to start with; then in the general election, anybody with a brain will be able to hammer away at her to get any doubters. Of course, the fruitcake set will vote for a jackass if the Democrats run one--which they have every 4 years at least since 1964.

Posted by: Jeff H at June 27, 2006 05:49 PM

Yea but Jeff, polls show that Hillary will blow any other Dem candidate out of the water. Dick Morris said that she will be the next president, regardless; and he hates her. The polls also show that women, no matter their political leanings, will vote for her simply just because she's a woman. If my gender chooses not to use their brains then they'll only prove themselves inept of voting ability. Gals if you feel that way, then you may as well be laying flat on your back with your feet in the air, because that's all you'll be good for.

Posted by: Stacy at June 27, 2006 06:16 PM

Hillary as president is a recipe for the end of this country as we have known it. She's a socialist, and has been since her college days. But more important, she's much smarter, more calculating, and more determined than her husband ever was.

She's the embodiment of evil.

Tancredo, on the other hand, has the illegal alien problem nailed. He knows, and has been saying, that there is a concerted movement afoot to turn the U.S., Canada, and Mexico into the western hemisphere version of the EU.

There have been times when I have been concerned for the future of my country and its values, but never more than now. We need a Tom Tancredo in the White House.

Posted by: Bill at June 28, 2006 09:28 AM