June 13, 2006


This is my official anti-Direcway post in order to be pulled up on Google searches.

Direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway, direcway.

If you're considering getting Direcway; don't. If satellite Internet is your only solution go with Wild Blue. Direcway has been a nightmare.

Hughesnet, hughesnet, hughesnet, hughesnet, hughsnet, hughsnet, hughsnet, hughesnet, hughesnet, hughesnet, hughesnet, hughsnet, hughsnet, hughsnet,
hughesnet, hughesnet, hughesnet, hughesnet, hughsnet, hughsnet, hughsnet.

Don't do it, don't do it.

Posted by Stacy at June 13, 2006 06:57 PM | TrackBack

That's strange. The only real problems I have had are that the upstream speed really sucks. We have to power cycle the modem once in a while, but that's it. What version of modem do you have?

Posted by: Eukonidor at June 15, 2006 12:28 AM

DW6000. I didn't even come close to diving into all of the problems we have had. I rarely had a speed over 500 kbps, and the service just flat didn't work a good chunk of the time. Power cycling is not really an issue; anyone with a modem or router has to do that on occassion. The customer service is horrible. I found several web sites where people described the same situation as ours. Direcway has an unsatisfactory rating with the Better Business Bureau and all of the complaints are similar to ours. I begged them for months to give me a new modem because the tech who installed our system felt like the modem was the problem and it most likely came defective. Nothing from Direcway. I also have found individuals who had speeds around 1.5 Mbps with no problems; they were rare however.

Posted by: Stacy at June 15, 2006 10:29 AM