April 25, 2006

Due To Popular Demand

Okay, I've received enough e-mails about this to address it.

The Token White Chick:

I attended a wrestling meeting where I was the only white woman. We live in a community that is very racially diverse. We've all grown up together, married each other, baby showers, anniversaries, etc. etc. etc. This meeting was to plan our banquet and we had a great time. Making jokes about Mexicans, making jokes about whities; this my friends is NORMAL!!!!! Not the PC tiptoeing so many are guilty of, but the real day to day humor we can all share.

A few days later these women invited me to go out for an evening with them and I couldn't make it. My husband (remember, the dark-skinned one?) said "Stacy, you have to go out with them, you're their token white chick". I thought that was hilarious. Two of these women married white men and one grew up in a white town and we all joked about how I was more Latino than her. Race is bullshit, we are Americans; period.

I better go before I get started on the Duke Lacrosse thing. I'll leave it with "the facts speak the truth", not what the predictably biased media says.

Posted by Stacy at April 25, 2006 06:13 PM | TrackBack

Loved it! Nice to live the ACTUAL dream of MLK where people are truly color-blind.

From what you hear on the MSM this just NEVER happens .... we just all hate each other!

Posted by: Maggie at April 26, 2006 05:51 AM

Glad to finally know what it means!

Posted by: Nettie at April 26, 2006 05:27 PM

It reminds me of somebody once asking me about my biracial daughter "Is she black, is she mulatto, or is she a combination, I mean biracial?" I just stared at the person, then smiled and said, "Nope, her name is Danielle!". What the hell does it matter, anyway?

Thanks for filling us in on it!

Posted by: Valerie at April 26, 2006 07:38 PM