April 01, 2006

Tis Soccer Season

Just real busy getting some kinks worked out with soccer; that and a wrestling banquet was thrown in my lap. Well, and real busy with work, and . . . weather's nicer, feel obligated to start cleaning up outside.

Posted by Stacy at April 1, 2006 06:57 PM | TrackBack

I suppose it could be worse - the whole wrestling team could have been thrown on your lap!

Life happens - blog when you can. But, I miss 'ya!

Posted by: Valerie at April 2, 2006 04:03 PM

I'd much rather get "dirty" doing gardening than be inside cleaning up the "dirty".

Posted by: Maggie at April 3, 2006 06:13 AM


Posted by: Nettie at April 3, 2006 05:07 PM

yes the great outdoors re-emerges, with a list of chores attached. no....its so nice out finally.

Posted by: Jane at April 9, 2006 10:26 PM

Miss Stacy, Cleaning up outside is MAN's WORK. Don't you know that? Dear Husband should be doing that. I have one of the cleanest yards in the city when I am at home because I do it and I really enjoy it.

IHS, Craig

Posted by: A Real Man at April 10, 2006 08:30 AM