March 08, 2006

International Women's Day

I really wanted to post some smart-ass piece today but had too much work to catch up on.

This is the day that leaves feminists climaxing for hours on end. Men are demeaned, aborting babies is celebrated, and sexual freedom is exalted. No, wait; that's just about everyday for that crowd. Anyhoo . . .

What are my feelings about this day? Am I happy that I have the right to vote? Absolutely. Am I happy that I have rights in a courtroom? You bet. Am I happy that women are considered equal to men? WooHoo. But realistically, beyond those things, what has the feminist movement done for my gender?

Read up on the history of this day, and chills run down your spine. Anytime you see the words Socialist Party, then run, JUST RUN!

Another, perhaps more appropriate, version of this day?

"Hey thanks for the sexual freedom you gave me, but I'm sick of the STD's. Hey thanks for giving us the right to vote, but why is it that abortion is the only issue? Hey thanks for making it easier for me to report sexual harrassment in the workplace, but really it might have something to do with the scanky clothes I wear. Why do I wear scanky clothes you ask? Well, it's because you told me I was a sex object without a soul."

I think this day needs to be placed on hiatus for a bit. When there truly is international equality for women, **Muslims**, then perhaps it might be worth celebrating.

My piece is crap, go visit these fine ladies and their works of art.

Beth's My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

Wendy's Girl On The Right

Not Exactly Rocket Science

And Kathy's Right Wing Sparkle

Posted by Stacy at March 8, 2006 07:18 PM | TrackBack

This piece is no crap. Great post!!!

Posted by: Paula at March 9, 2006 09:32 PM

I agree with Paula. What's "crap" is the stuff that comes out of the feminist's mouths.

Posted by: Valerie at March 9, 2006 10:18 PM

Dear Stacy, I just read some of your comments here and there. I admire you for your straightforward approach! Thanks for not hiding what you think and where you stand, still respecting other people's opinions. Keep it up!

Posted by: Gianni at March 12, 2006 04:24 AM