February 28, 2006

Bryant Gumble, Token Black Commentator, Commits Verbal Blunder

If I were an actual reporter, I would have lost my job because of that title. Now, actually I like Bryant Gumble. I enjoyed him on the Today Show and enjoy his Real Sports show; especially when Bernie Goldberg is on there. Gumble has never come off to me as horribly biased, but rather focusing on the actual story instead of an agenda.

My thinking of Gumble has always been that he's a bit of an Oreo. His recent comments regarding the Winter Olympics however, proves that he can sling racist dribble right along with the best of the "Blame Whitey" crowd.

There were only a few events in the early days of the Olympiad. A quick glance at the IOC's events page shows current and past sports activities of both the summer and winter games. The summer games contain far more events than the winter, but many of those games were not even conceived until the 20th century.

Actually, in my humble opinion of course, there are far too many sports in the summer games that have no business being an Olympic event; far more than the winter games. Kayaking? Tennis? Beach volleyball? Shooting? Sailing? Handball? Equestrian? Baseball? Basketball? Archery? Badmitton?
The most I can come up with for the winter games is the CURLING!!! PLEASE!!! And anything with a snowboard.

The whole thing needs to be reworked. The number of events subtract from the validity of the games and make them less enjoyable for the viewer. With the current path the IOC is on I completely expect to turn on the summer games one of these years and see "thumb wrestling" as an event.

So Bryant? Your statement was absurd, insensitive and completely idiotic. I hope that you meet with some the of winter Olympians and get to know their sports and the efforts they put into them. You might want to stay away from the women speed skaters though; they look pretty buff and they know how to use their sharp-bladed skates.

Image created by Jeff

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Posted by Stacy at February 28, 2006 02:25 PM | TrackBack

I think it's more likely we'll see bong beer chugging before we see thumb wrestling.

Posted by: Jeff H at February 28, 2006 03:53 PM

I've never liked Bryant. Unlike yourself, I have always seen him as a phony or wannabee so I take his words as expected.

By the way, I love the enw look ... and title. :)

Posted by: Sin at February 28, 2006 04:06 PM

I think his comments were not only "absurd, insensitive and completely idiotic", they were also very racist. My 15 year old biracial daughter couldn't believe her ears - and it infuriated her. She knows that where she goes in life is going to be based on HER decisions and behaviors, and not the result of the color of her skin. I wonder how Gumbal's wife felt about what he said, seeing how she is white.

Posted by: Valerie at February 28, 2006 04:16 PM

bong beer chugging? That sounds fun.

Posted by: von at February 28, 2006 05:07 PM

I've been in Thumb Wrestling training for the last 3 years! Its a Serious Sport, and I am totally offended, as a person with thumbs, that you would SO callously refer to Thumb Wrestling as a non sport.


Actually the new one I like the best is Trampolining. Is that what they call it?

Posted by: echotig at February 28, 2006 06:28 PM

Oh Geezzzzzzz!!! The trampoline thing, I forgot about that. It's probably lumped in with gymnastics. Sure it might be cool to watch, but on the Olympics? I'd rather watch more of the legit sports.

Posted by: Stacy at February 28, 2006 06:32 PM

Oh no Ma'am...trampolining is its very own sport.

Boxing, wrestling, track and field...Naked...in the snow...on Mount Olympus. That is how it should be done.

Talk about your Wheaties Box Covers!!

Posted by: echotig at February 28, 2006 09:55 PM

Woo Hoo!!

Posted by: Stacy at February 28, 2006 10:36 PM

You know my wife stole the whole naked in the snow quote from me. However, it just sounds nastier coming from her. Could you imagine the corporate sponsorship for that?

Posted by: bigwhitehat at February 28, 2006 11:49 PM

LOL!!! I thought that Time Magazine cover was REAL :))

Posted by: Tony at March 1, 2006 10:15 AM

Well Tony, that's pretty much what he said. Easy to make that mistake, LOL!

BWH-remember it's her presence and personality that allows you to come up with that stuff.

Posted by: Stacy at March 1, 2006 11:10 AM

No my dear, her presence and personality make me want to put the kids to sleep and turn off the computer. Grrrrrr.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at March 1, 2006 11:56 AM

I can definitely agree on the equestrian stuff. When I was a kid we went to the Olympics in Atlanta, but the only tickets left were for dressage. Most...boring...thing...of my life. My sister and I ended up making a giant sand man by the concession stand. So much for the big Olympic moment.

Posted by: Nettie at March 1, 2006 06:20 PM

Oh Nettie, that's just sad.

Posted by: Stacy at March 2, 2006 06:54 PM