February 24, 2006

Past Life Occupation, Um, Okay

No, no, I'm not into the previous lives thing but this was funny.

In a Past Life...
You Were: A Lazy Undertaker.

Where You Lived: Alaska.

How You Died: The Plague.
Who Were You In a Past Life?
Posted by Stacy at February 24, 2006 02:20 PM | TrackBack

I was a Jittery Cannibal From China Who Died From Dysentery.

Posted by: von at February 24, 2006 02:33 PM

I was a mute jester (huh?)who lived in Thailand, and I died from dysentery. I've been told, at times, that I suffer from diarrhea of the mouth, so perhaps this explains why.

Posted by: Valerie at February 24, 2006 09:12 PM


Posted by: Stacy at February 24, 2006 09:19 PM

I was a mongolian warlord who died in childbirth.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at February 25, 2006 04:26 AM


Posted by: Stacy at February 25, 2006 02:14 PM

I was a mute belly dancer in Greece. I died in childbirth. Now, I did at one time learn to belly dance (I had an Armenian friend from a traditional family) but there is no way I could have been mute...unless that's why I'm so talkative time around. Just kidding. ;-)

Posted by: Audrey at March 2, 2006 01:10 AM