February 23, 2006

Sasha Cohen

Let's go girl, the performance of your life; well, again.

Posted by Stacy at February 23, 2006 02:09 PM | TrackBack

Fantastic, wasn't she?

Posted by: Bill at February 23, 2006 07:10 PM

That look on her face was priceless. She knew win lose or draw that she out performed her competors.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at February 24, 2006 01:00 AM

You sneaky little devil....after days of continually checking your site, I took a two week hiatus and you're back!

And looking very good, btw.

And you have more than three readers!

Posted by: Maggie at February 24, 2006 11:03 AM

HaHA Maggie, caught you with your back turned!!!

Silver medal, that's pretty good considering the falls.

Posted by: Stacy at February 24, 2006 02:09 PM