October 06, 2005

Yes, Racism Again, Sorry

If someone is only allowed to attend an event on the basis of their skin color; what is that? Discrimination? I think so.

Tell me what you think.

Thanks Maggie.

Posted by Stacy at October 6, 2005 10:27 PM | TrackBack

The line in the last paragraph sums it up perfectly - "They force you to think in racial categories, and that process can become a slippery slope into racism".

Categorization also allows the government to dictate what funding is given to what agency, and what student is allowed into certain colleges or programs, etc. Reverse discrimination is what I call it.

Stacy - do you check "biracial" or "multicultural" in the box when filling out forms for your kids activities or programs or schools??? I am curious about your take on that terminology. Does it offend you? Have you ever marked "Causcasian" in one box and "Mexican/Apache Indian" in the other (for your kids), just to make a point? I am thinking about posting on that subject, and so I'd like your opinion. Thanks!

Posted by: Valerie at October 6, 2005 11:40 PM

Of course it is racism. The title of the event implies that this is an event only for non whites. Why do we care? I have no desire to go to a Nation of Islam meeting or a Neo Nazi rally. We should relegate these things to insignificance.

I grow tired of giving these organizations a voice. I think we talk about them too much. We give these folks significance they do not deserve. I don’t get angry about it anymore.

Once during a custody dispute for my oldest, my wife became irate at the lies told about her. She was furious with my former girlfriend and mother of my oldest. As she started to remark, my attorney stopped her and gave the most salient advice I have ever heard. He said, “You told me six months ago that she was a liar. Liars lie. Why be angry about it?” He later got her to lie on the stand. You can usually count on people to be themselves.

This situation is no different. These people are dumb asses. They cannot help but bellow and bray. So, don’t get upset. Laugh out loud at this stuff. These people aren’t going to be affected by the racist label. Buffoonery on the other hand will rip them to shreds. There are times to rail against the sea like Demosthenes and times to use wit like Twain.

Posted by: bigwhitehat at October 7, 2005 12:37 AM

I do condemn this incident. But this is an isolated case. You can't cry racism here.

Trust me on this one. I'm college student right now and I can assure you that no white person in my college or any college ever faces any serious racism on a continuous manner.

Posted by: eugene at October 7, 2005 04:02 AM

An addendum to my previous post:
The racism against blacks is far more widespread and more severe than the racism against whites, especially in the South. For example, you can easily apply for a new job and have a good chance of getting hired, but a black man might not be so lucky because of a lot of white men (and women) have certain preconceived ideas about black people. For example, many whites believe black people are lazy, lacks manner, likes to be on welfare, more likely to commit crimes, etc.

Certainly, I am not saying that whites are never the target of racism. But let's face it: your children will never be subjected to the racism that a typical black teenager faces.

Note: I am not a black person. So, please don't accuse me of "being brainwashed by Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson."

Another note:
You should stop trying to block me. There are hundreds of computers on campus and I can remotely log into them very easily.

Besides, I contribute different perspectives to your posts. Unless you like to hear echos, it makes little sense to block me.

Posted by: eugene at October 7, 2005 04:22 AM


I will continue to ban every IP address you come from. Not because of your opinions, in fact I appreciate all opinions here; I've always said that. It's your history here. When you call me a fat, ugly, white trash cunt and then say that you are going to pray for something bad to happen to me and my family, that makes you unwelcome here. I have always asked for nothing but being cordial if you disagree with me. What you have done here in the past is unacceptable. I will however leave your latest comments up because they were presented well.

And yes, there is far more racism against blacks than whites. My point however is that they are guilty sometimes of the exact thing they claim to be against. If mindsets are not changed then no progress will ever by made. When I look at a black person, I do not automatically assume that they are lazy, unemployed, drug using criminals. But when they look at me, they do assume that I'm a racist. That's sad.

Posted by: Stacy at October 7, 2005 09:51 AM

Certainly, I am not saying that whites are never the target of racism. But let's face it: your children will never be subjected to the racism that a typical black teenager faces.

Because that's what they are taught to expect from everyone that they look up to. Why is that, and when will it stop? When will the majority of minorities stop teaching their children to expect to have a disadvantage? Maybe when people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson stop running their ignorant mouths.

Posted by: von at October 7, 2005 09:55 AM


Here in Memphis we have these guys that stand on the corner and sell oranges and give out African American newspapers. I tried to buy some oranges once, and they wouldn't sell them to me. The guy said that I didn't need them.

Posted by: von at October 7, 2005 09:57 AM

Stacy, I'm growing weary of your racist rants.

This group of ladies is more than entitled to host a segregated event. Why? Because their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents were slaves. Granted that terrible wrong was corrected, and granted they live in the one place on earth where the playing field is as close to level as humanly possible, and yes one has to search high and low to find a bona fide racist these days, but still...

Hmmm, and come to think of it, I seem to recall reading that blacks themselves have subjected other races, and indeed their own people, to slavery. I seem to recall some statistics that black-on-black crime rates are staggeringly high, that the leading cause of death among young, black males is other young, black males. Wait a minute, why are Louis Farrakahn, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton wearing finely-tailored suits sitting atop huge mounds of cash, yet saying with a straight face that "their people" have no chance in America?

What the hell am I saying? I'm sure it's white people's fault somehow. I'm going to e-mail the Rainbow Coalition quick and have them send me some "refresher" literature. I almost exhibited some common sense there, and I feel ashamed.

Posted by: Admin Worm at October 7, 2005 10:39 AM

And if men can't attend, isn't that sexual discrimination?

Posted by: Maggie at October 7, 2005 12:14 PM

Bingo Maggie!

Posted by: Stacy at October 7, 2005 12:17 PM

Yes, it is racism. There is a support organization for math and engineering students in college called MESA. There is a left-handed nod to the discriminatory practices of the organization in this statement, taken from their web site:

"To the extent possible by California law, MESA emphasizes participation by students from groups with low eligibility rates for four-year institutions. MESA is administered by the University of California. The intersegmental program is funded by the state legislature, corporate contributions and grants."

(See http://mesa.ucop.edu/about/)

One of the specific requirements for membership is: "Your heritage is Latino, African American or Native American"

(See http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/mesa/#JOIN)

Then there's MEChA, a student group specifically for Hispanics, and one that receives state support on college campuses as an accredited student club or organization. MEChA apparently has close ties to La Raza, an organization that has a history of overt racism, and that has a goal of "taking over" by out-populating whites.

But in our PC society, the one ethnic group whose rights may be freely trampled or revoked is Caucasians.

Posted by: Bill at October 7, 2005 02:45 PM

Children learn how to be or not be victims from their parents. My oldest son came home from school one day and told me some kid was making fun of him for being half German. The kid had said something to the effect that all Germans do is eat too much and have war. (?) He looked up at me, I think expecting me to be a little miffed at this as well. I told him if the kid brought it up again, to also mention the beer and the really good cars! My son giggled, and now he knows to not take stupid criticism seriously. Accentuate the positive I say!

Also, Eugene's prediction (from Canada...)of every white person's chance of being discriminated against at his or any other college is staggering. I am amazed at his wealth of knowledge on this subject. I feel so much better now. "I'm a college student! I know stuff! Trust me! I can't write coherently, but trust me!" One day when you get out in the real world, it is gonna kick you so square in the ass you won't know what happened. Because, Eugene, there is just no cure for the dumbass!!

Posted by: echotig at October 7, 2005 04:55 PM

Back in the early 80's, Canada decided they were at a crossroads with respect to immigration. It was necessary to decide whether they wanted unlimited growth, managed growth, or a closed society. Since it would take studies, commissions, and such, to amass data, they decided, in the interim, to close the border to new immigrants.

What they soon learned was that it was possible to close it only to white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, as all other groups were inclined to raise charges of discrimination.

What they failed to observe was that years earlier, a substantial influx of immigrants (mostly from the Middle East) had found security in government employment -- mostly in the immigration department -- and were efficiently admitting all ltheir cousins. On the other hand, a friend of mine, from England, but resident in Canada for many years, was unable to get his own brother admitted, even though England, as a Commonwealth country, should have made it automatic.

Thus did Canada lose control of its border, and in a not dissimilar fashion are we now losing control over ours. My wife's last interview with the INS (she's from China) was conducted by an Hispanic woman.

As always, history repeats itself.

Posted by: Bill at October 7, 2005 06:16 PM