I'm going to stay with a theme here for a few more posts. So if you have virgin eyes/ears, move on.
This particular story has been on-going, but finally there is a shred of hope with wasteful government spending here in Colorado.
Local artist Tsehai Johnson created artwork in 2000 which she titled "Twelve Dildos on Hooks". In 2003 Johnson was seeking a grant from the government funded Colorado Council on the Arts. She submitted these along with some other artwork she had created. Before her submitting her art to the council, she changed the title of her dildo work to "Large Implements on Hooks".
Johnson stated "I wanted the title to be a little more open-ended so that it didn't become so easily dismissed".
In describing her art to a local news affiliate she stated "They're meant to be sex toys, but sex toys that are talking about a lot of issues."
Local radio host Jon Caldera, president of a think tank organization; investigated this story after finding it doing research for a book on government waste.
In learning of this incident Governor Bill Owens stated "It serves as an important reminder that whenever tax dollars are involved, government must be cautious and prudent".
In an era when programs are being removed from schools, when cuts are being made in social programs, when taxes are rising due to budget shortfalls; art depicting sex toys receives a $5,000 grant.
But here's the good news; this fellowship grant is no longer available and there is now an investigation into the funds that Johnson received. Having outside organizations investigating government programs has served citizens well. We have learned that 'we the people' do indeed have the power to affect our government.
Read more here:
And here:
Ann Coulter did a good piece recently on "artworki" funded via the National Endowment for the Arts.
I think that conservatives would do well to not get outraged over WHAT artwork is funded, but rather that artwork is funded at all. The Founders must certainly be scratching their decaying powdered wigs over the vast number of services that are now considered essential government services.
How 'bout this, Uncle Sam: lower my taxes, and if I want to buy or look at a piece of artwork, be it "clean" or "vile," I'll pay for it myself.
Stacy, you rule.
Posted by: Admin Worm at July 21, 2005 01:58 PMPOSTSCRIPT: What the hell is "artworki"??? I meant "artwork." Duh.
Posted by: Admin Worm at July 21, 2005 01:59 PMI agree with Admin Worm that we need to re-think the whole idea of government funding of the arts. I'm glad that this case has helped provide some movement toward responsible spending there in Colorado.
You say that you're working on a series of related posts here. First was a guy wrapping his manhood in the flag (a small one), now it's sex toys on hooks. I can't wait to see what's next from Stacy's archives. Will it involve vegetables or plastics, by chance?
Posted by: Muley at July 21, 2005 04:12 PMSee, if the government would simply give me that $5,000, perhaps I could attract a wife, and then...well, use your imagination...
Posted by: Jeff H at July 21, 2005 04:36 PMFirst was a guy wrapping his manhood in the flag (a small one), ...
Probably that was all the flag he needed.
I'm still trying to get my mind around the concept of "sex toys that speak to issues." I think the artist is the one with issues; must be that wholesome Christian repression thing I got going for me.
Posted by: Nightfly at July 21, 2005 05:41 PMIs the Post a Liberal paper?
The reason I ask is they say "State funded sex toy art upsets Governor" - where I would have said "State monies used to fund sex toy art"
The paper makes it sound like only the Governor is upset.
Admin Worm is correct art should stand on it's own.
I'm so proud of you boys, not one of you made a reference to her last name being Johnson.
Posted by: Stacy at July 21, 2005 07:58 PMGirlfriend,
I wish there was something virgin left on me ;)
That's a very interesting story!!! I think the government ought to do a better job. Wonder what some Democrats have to say about this...
Paula, I hear ya. How nice it would be to have something untainted. Unfortunately we are all, our children included, exposed to morons like this gal who considers that item artwork. Yes, yes, I can hear those of you who want to equate the nudes of Renoir to this but they're not even close.
Posted by: Stacy at July 21, 2005 11:20 PMAND PAUL OF YORK, The Denver Post is a liberal rag. I ended my subscription with them many years ago. There is not a decent paper in this town. Denver, like most metropolitan areas, is democrat. Governor Owens is a well-liked, successful Republican. Thanks for pointing out The Post's article title.
Posted by: Stacy at July 22, 2005 12:00 AMNever have understood government involvement in "the arts."
-Especially when every corner you turn reveals yet another instance of government agencies falling short of the mark.
-Especially when you see subzidized art that insults and offends (notice its only conservatives that are insulted or offended?)
-Especially when county trucks aren't maintained and parts fall off resulting in fatalities/